Study Review Planner: Todo

by Nexicon



According to Ebbinghouses forgetting curve, 58% of the learning content remains in your head 20 minutes after memorizing and only 33% after a day. Only 21% of the learning content remained for more than a month. The way to overcome the speed of oblivion is that the more you learn, the slower the speed of oblivion becomes and remains in your memory for a long time. As the number of repetitions increases, it goes to long-term memory. Study efficiently through the periodic review method of the review planner.· All data is automatically backed up to the server and linked in real time for several devices.· We inform you of the periodic review schedule by date through the calendar.· We will make a review schedule excluding holidays through the holiday setting function.· You can push or pull back schedules that you havent achieved.· You can set a schedule confirmation message notification at a specified time.· You can create subject categories for each user.· You can create a review cycle for each user.· When the newly added schedule is completed today, the schedule before bed will be automatically added.